Annual Thanksgiving Feast

Annual Thanksgiving Feast
Dear Gardens Residents, Family, & Friends,
We would like to inform you of some important dates to remember and our plans to celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday.
On November 17th, we will be holding our flu shot clinic. Both regular shots and senior flu shots will be available. COVID booster shots, both Moderna and Pfizer, will also be available if anyone missed the previous date. Consent forms are available at the front desk or by replying to this email.
In addition, The Gardens at Park Balboa will be having its annual Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, November 25th from 11:30am-1:30pm. We’re so sorry that we can’t accommodate guests in the dining room yet. However, residents who would like to have guest(s) join them for Thanksgiving can order tray service delivered to their apartment. The guidelines for guests is as follows:
1. A maximum of two guests per resident apartment.
2. All guests must be fully vaccinated.
Our Thanksgiving feast will feature traditional Thanksgiving favorites such as roasted turkey, stuffing, green beans and dessert all prepared by our culinary team. For guests, the charge for Thanksgiving lunch is $16. Please be sure to RSVP by Tuesday November 23rd.
Thank you!
by Jonathan McFall Community Relations Director
by Jonathan McFall
by Community Relations Director
The Gardens
at Park Balboa
7046 Kester Ave
Van Nuys, CA 91405
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (818) 787-0462
Fax (818) 787-7472